Women's Fitness Academy Podcast
Women's health, female hormones, body image and all things fitness. Sigi Fisher and Lauren Calvin speak with inspiring women in the health and fitness industry.
Women's Fitness Academy Podcast
Georgie Levett: Navigating Success and Wellness
Season 3
Episode 53
Sig engages in a dynamic conversation with Georgie Levett, an extraordinary online coach and the visionary behind coachedbygee.
Tune in to the transformative power of Georgie's mission to change lives one day at a time.
Discussion Highlights:
- Explore Georgie's unique perspective on navigating balance between career, lifestyle, hobbies, and family life.
- Learn the importance of recognizing when to push and when to pull back in a health and fitness routine.
- How personalized and flexible approach to health and fitness contribute to long-term success compared to rigid schedules.
- How to embrace your uniqueness in both personal and professional pursuits.
- The Formulas on integrating accountability, discipline, love, and respect into your coaching approach.
Georgie’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/geelevett/
Sig’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sigfisher/
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