Women's Fitness Academy Podcast

Georgie Levett: Navigating Success and Wellness

Season 3 Episode 53

Sig engages in a dynamic conversation with Georgie Levett, an extraordinary online coach and the visionary behind coachedbygee.

Tune in to the transformative power of Georgie's mission to change lives one day at a time.

Discussion Highlights:

  • Explore Georgie's unique perspective on navigating balance between career, lifestyle, hobbies, and family life.
  • Learn the importance of recognizing when to push and when to pull back in a health and fitness routine.
  • How personalized and flexible approach to health and fitness contribute to long-term success compared to rigid schedules.
  • How to embrace your uniqueness in both personal and professional pursuits.
  • The Formulas on integrating accountability, discipline, love, and respect into your coaching approach.

Georgie’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/geelevett/

Sig’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sigfisher/

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